The Ultimate Challenge for all Meat Lovers

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The Ultimate Challenge for all Meat Lovers

You like to eat meat and don’t know exactly why you ended up on this blog? You think: “Vegans are all extremists!”? Then I have the ultimate challenge for you: Watch this video in full length. Extra points are awarded if you keep your eyes open to the end and don’t look away.

If you have completed our ultimate challenge, please write us a comment. If not, then please also do. How do you feel about the pictures shown here? I am looking forward to a lively discussion ?


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The film Dominion was shot in Australia and shows the horror of the industrial meat, egg and diary production.

This documentation illuminates the ethical aspect of veganism. But there are actually also many other good reasons to go vegan. You can find out more about this in our blog in section “Why Vegan?”.

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